We live in a toxic world where organic apples are $2.50/lb, and an ammonia-laced cheeseburger is $1.00 at your local fast food joint. We consume food-like chemistry.

We medicate with pharmaceuticals washed down with fluoridated water. We clean our house, bodies, clothing and dishes with chemicals we cannot pronounce the name of.

We literally eat, sleep and bathe in chemicals created by man 24/7.  Our bodies are overburdened with chemistry they have no idea what to do with… and so we become inflamed, and bloated… Our body begins to buffer and stash these toxins until they can be processed.  The trouble is, we never give our bodies a break from the constant toxic assault to catch up.

Most people do not see the connection between their state of being, and their separation from nature, fresh raw foods and natural medicine.

The process of detoxification allows you to directly experience the healing power of nature…


Detoxification is the removal of toxicity from the body, the home, and ultimately the planet.

Each day, we are faced with many choices in how we care for ourselves. Each choice we make ripples out, changing not only ourselves, but the universe as a whole. By demanding non-toxic products, organic non-GMO foods and getting off pharmaceuticals, we are making a huge impact on the health of the planet, as well as our own.

At Ascending Health, our “Detoxification for HEALth” protocols are food based, and supported by herbal medicine and superfoods.  A typical protocol will address:

  1. Diet – A diet of fresh, raw, organic fruits; vegetables; berries and melons are recommended during detoxification.  In the lifestyle, or maintenance phase of our protocols, we suggest eating a diet high in fresh, raw foods – free of processed sugars, food-like products and toxins.
  2. Lymphatic Stagnation – During detox, it is important to ensure the toxins you release are able to leave the body without causing the body further distress.  Support your body’s ability to release the toxins through colonics; enemas; dry brushing; saunas; detox foot baths; salt, soda or clay Baths; topicals; guasha; lymphatic massage; ear candling; oil pulling; and cold sheet treatments.
  3. Herbal & Glandular Support – Botanical medicine can assist and support the body during the detoxification and regenerative processes.  The plant kingdom offers Mother Nature’s BEST medicine, and chemistry our body recognizes and can utilize. Glandulars are sometimes suggested to rebuild and improve function of glands by providing the raw materials needed by the glands.
  4. Movement Medicine – What type of exercise is best for you while detoxing?  We suggest light movement medicine that is supportive of lymphatic drainage such as breathing exercises, walking, hiking, dancing, yoga, pranayama, pilates, rebounding, light stretching or swimming.  High impact exercises are welcomed later in the protocol.
  5. Reconnecting to Nature – Get out and ground!  We recommend spending time barefoot in the sun.  The fresh air is good for our bodies, and our bare feet on the earth harmonize our magnetics with mother earth.  Grounding sheets and pads are also helpful to ground the body while indoors.  While your outside, shed the sunglasses as you can, allowing natural light to be received by the eyes.   You may even want to explore sungazing, which has been known to awaken the pineal gland and restore balance in the body.
  6. Releasing & Reprogramming – Detoxification includes all bodies… the emotional, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual.  When you release the charges you hold, it is beneficial to fill that space with a new program, a new mantra, gratitude and love.  Detoxification is an excellent time to release what no longer serves us, and begin to run the new programs that are supportive of the reality we wish to be.
  7. Building Charge in the Heart Center – Manifesting and creating with intent is best done within the unified field of the heart… In this space we are free from the distortions and distractions that effect our daily decision making – we are also free of the unintended consequences associated with creating in duality.  Speed your healing process through finding happiness, visualization and meditation.  The more you are able to fuel the fires in the heart, the greater your results.

We keep these bodies for the entirety of our journey here, and yet we treat our possessions with more respect.  Life is a precious gift, and your ability to experience it consciously on this level, depends on the health of your body.

I LOVE the quote by the Dali Lama featured below.  Your health is your WEALTH.  And, while you may sacrifice your health for wealth now, when it comes to losing your health, you will sacrifice your wealth for health.  In embracing detoxification, you are prioritizing your health, so you can keep your wealth – and enjoy life more fully each day while you are here…

I hope you will be inspired to take control of your health today.  For you, for your family and for the planet…  Let detoxification be the opportunity to let the authentic “you” shine through.  It is a gift to know yourself free of buffers, distractions and distortions…


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